ISZB Award/Frederickson Prize 2024

Category : ISZB | Prize Posted on 2024-05-16 17:30:29
ISZB Award/Frederickson Prize 2024

Dear Zinc Community,
On behalf of the 2024 ISZB-Award/Frederickson Prize committee, I am delighted to announce that the ISZB/Frederickson prize will be awarded to Prof Elias Aizenman (University of Pittsburgh, USA) for his pioneering and impactful studies on zinc as a critical component of neurotoxic cell signalling pathways and his long-term contributions to ISZB. Elias served as President of the ISZB from 2011 to 2013, he played an active role in keeping the global zinc community active during the covid lockdowns with the establishment of the online “metalzoom” seminar series, and he is part of the organising committee for ISZB 2024 in Mexico. The ISZB-Award/Frederickson Prize committee also recognised his educational and outreach efforts to engage young zinc scientists, and his enthusiasm, openness, and generosity in the form of mentorship to many early career researchers within the zinc community.
For these reasons, Elias was voted by the committee to be the 2024 recipient of the ISZB-Award/Frederickson Prize. We believe that his achievements, efforts, and contributions to zinc biological science, makes Elias a well deserving recipient of this honour.

Elias will be awarded the prize at the ISZB 2024 meeting in Mexico.


Please join me in congratulating Elias on this important achievement, and let’s all take a moment to share this happy occasion with him.


Yours sincerely,

 Samantha Pitt: ISZB President