
Category : Events | MetalZOOM Posted on 2020-09-14 22:43:54

We actually began in mid-March…sort of grew out my lab meeting during our shutdown to lab meetings with “guests,” and eventually a series. Since we started covering copper and other metals, as well as metalloproteins, I switched the name about a month ago to MetalZoom! (I used to call it…Zinc- and sometimes copper – in times of COVID-19)

Elias Aizenman, Ph.D.

Check @ZincSociety or @zinc_net twitter accounts for zoom details.

Here is our list so far for this semester:

September 14th, Fanis Missirlis
September 21st, Irit Sagi
September 28th, Do not schedule (Yom Kippur)

October 5th, Raj Ratan
October 12th, Do not schedule (Columbus Day)
October 19th, Klaus van Leyen
October 26 John Weiss

November 2nd, Blaine Roberts
November 9th, Donita Brady (not yet confirmed)
November 16th, Sophie Hamleton (not yet confirmed)
November 23rd, Do not schedule (Thanksgiving week)

November 30th, TBD
December 7th, TBD
December 14th, TBD